The Feelings ID app, built using Jetpack Compose, provides information on a wide range of feelings to allow you to best describe how you feel. The information in the Feelings ID app is based on Dr. Gloria Willcoxs Feeling Wheel (citation: Gloria Willcox (1982) The Feeling Wheel, Transactional Analysis Journal, 12:4, 274-276, DOI: 10.1177/036215378201200411). Thanks to her family for granting permission to create an app version of this powerful concept. On the first page of the app, the feelings are grouped by these six key feelings: Joyful, Mad, Peaceful, Powerful, Sad, and Scared. If you prefer, you can view an alphabetical list by clicking the switch at the bottom of the page. When you click on a feeling, the related feelings are displayed on the second page.The second page emulates Dr. Willcox’s Feeling Wheel in that the key feelings are displayed in the middle of the column (highlighted in teal) and the more nuanced feelings are further above or below the key feelings. The selected feeling is highlighted in yellow. Click the down arrow to display the definitions for further revelations. Click the devices back arrow to return to the first page.The Flip Side feelings are those considered the “opposite” feelings of the selected feeling. For instance, if the selected feeling is one of the more negative feelings (Mad, Sad, or Scared) the flip side will expose the more positive feelings (Powerful, Joyful, or Peaceful, respectively).Hope this knowledge nourishes your life!